MS Stem Cell Research Offers Hope to Patients



There are many dead ends when it comes to the pursuit of effective remedies for a wide spectrum of chronic complications, including Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and multiple sclerosis. But ongoing stem cell research for MS is offering a glimmer of hope that effective treatment is just around the corner.

An adult stem cell is a kind of an undifferentiated cell that may be part of any body tissue. “Undifferentiated” refers to the plasticity nature of stem cells that allows them the unique ability to adapt their function to suit any other, inside any other body tissue. For example, an adult stem cell may be introduced into the spinal cord to replace damaged spinal cord cells because it has the capability to transform its use to help with the healing of that particular part of the body.

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a complication of the central nervous system that constitutes the brain and the spine. The disorder attacks the nerve fibers that are responsible for maintaining the lines of communication across the central nervous system.  MS patients usually lose full or part of any function that the spine supports. The complication can have devastating effects, including short-term memory, loss of mobility, numbness, and muscle weakness.

Research has shown that when damage to tissue in any organ is so extensive that cells are unable to do their job, the introduction of adult stem cells may help check the problem. The good thing is that the stem cells can be obtained from other healthy parts within the patient’s body, such as bone marrow or blood. It is this logic that leads to the reasoning that Msstem cell therapycan help.

As per numerous clinical trials, introduction of stem cells in the body of an MS patient can have two direct effects. One is prevention of progression. MS is a chronic complication, meaning that it continues to get worse if not treated. With stem cell therapy, the disorder can be prevented from worsening. The other possible remedy is reversal of damage. This means that the stem cells are able to replicate the function of affected cells of the central nervous system, and in the process, triggering healing.

With all the MS stem research that’s going on, very soon there will be a fully effective remedy for the complication. This will help improve the quality life of MS patients, allowing them to live and function as normal.

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